Year-end inventory at the Dal Bookstore will soon begin. Learn about upcoming closure dates »


Faculty Ordering Information

Target Dates | Delivery Times | Enrolment Supply | Textbook Returns | Desk Copies


Order Target Dates:


Why order so early?

We need your textbook orders early to give our buyers time to research availability, different format options such as e-books; offer alternatives if necessary (e.g. a requested book has gone out of print); order and receive your books -- all this so that your textbooks are available before the start of classes.

We do our best to fill late orders, especially for new faculty that have been hired late.


Average Delivery Times Depending on Publisher Location:


Why doesn’t the Dal Bookstore always order 100% of my class enrolment?

We know not every student will purchase the required materials. Some students share materials; others do not buy any. We review past sales against enrollments and may adjust the quantity accordingly.


Textbook Returns

Most publishers allow the Dal Bookstore to return textbooks for credit. There are a few that sell on a non-returnable basis. We are unable to absorb the costs of unsold materials that cannot be returned for full credit. If you choose to order a non-returnable book, the department must sign an agreement that they will purchase the unsold materials before we can order them. That agreement can be found here »

Some publishers also charge restocking fees for a percentage of unsold materials. If you choose to order a book from one of these publishers, an agreement must be signed that the department will pay for any restocking fees that are incurred. That agreement can be found here »

If faculty order a book and then decide not to use it, the department will be responsible for shipping costs incurred to bring the book in and ship it back.


Desk Copies

Sorry, but we are not able to supply desk copies. Instructors or departmental admins must order their own desk copies from the publisher.