Textbook Search Results
PLEASE NOTE - Some of your courses may have several textbook options listed. There could be hardcover, loose-leaf and e-book versions of the same book available and you only need to buy one. There are also often different options for duration of access to ebooks. There could be perpetual, 365, 180 or 150 days. Review and choose only one that best suits your needs. Please contact us (bookstore@dal.ca) or check with your instructor if you have questions about your course materials options.
LIHCP-RNBRP - Learning Institute- Rn-Bridging Program
Bundle package has all required text if taking the full program. If you're only assigned 1-2 courses, purchase respective texts seperately.
Please check with your sponsoring manager prior to purchasing textbook(s).
Physical Examination And Health Assessment - Canadian, 4e Ed: 4

Ed: 4
Arnold And Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships: Canadian Ed

Lihcp-Rnbrp Required Text Ebook Bundle
Not Required
Wong's Essentials Of Pediatric Nursing 11th Ed: 11

Ed: 11
Not Required
Perry's Maternal Child Nursing Care In Canada 3rd Ed: 3

Ed: 3
Not Required
Varcarolis's Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 3e Ed: 3

Ed: 3
Ebook: Lilleys Pharmacology For Canadian Health Care Practic Ed: 4
Ed: 4