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Term: 202530Change
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- ARCH - Architecture
- ASSC - Arts & Social Sciences
- BIOC - Biochem & Molecular Biology
- BIOE - Biological Engineering
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOT - Bioethics
- BMNG - Biomedical Engineering
- BUSI - Business Admin
- BUSS - Business
- CANA - Canadian Studies
- CHEE - Chemical Engineering
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CIVL - Civil Engineering
- CLAS - Classics
- CMSD - Communication Sci & Disorders
- COMM - Commerce
- CPST - Complementary Studies
- CRWR - Creative Writing
- CSCI - Computer Science
- CTMP - Contemporary Studies
- DEHY - Dental Hygiene
- DENT - Dentistry
- DGIN - Digital Innovation
- DISM - Disability Management
- DMUT - Diag Med Ultrasound Tech
- ECED - Electrical & Computer Engineer
- ECON - Economics
- EESC - Earth & Envi Science
- ENGI - Engineering
- ENGL - English
- ENGM - Engineering Mathematics
- ENSL - English Language (Ce)
- ENVE - Environmental Engineering
- ENVI - Environmental Studies
- ENVS - Environmental Science
- EPAH - Epidemiology & Appl Hlth Res
- ERTH - Earth Sciences
- EURO - European Studies
- FOSC - Food Science
- FREN - French
- GEOG - Geography
- GERM - German
- GWST - Gender & Women's Studies
- HESA - Health Administration
- HIST - History
- HLTH - Health Professions
- HPRO - Health Promotion
- HSCE - Health Sciences Education
- HSTC - Hist Of Science & Technology
- IENG - Industrial Engineering
- INDG - Indigenous Studies
- INFO - Information Management
- INTA - Internship-Agricultural Camp
- INTD - International Develop Studies
- INTE - Interdisc Studies (Graduate)
- INWK - Engineering Internetworking
- KINE - Kinesiology
- LAWS - Law
- LEIS - Leisure Studies
- MARA - Marine Affairs
- MARI - Marine Biology
- MATH - Mathematics
- MATL - Materials Engineering
- MECH - Mechanical Engineering
- MEDI - Medicine
- MEDR - Medical Research
- MGMT - Management
- MICI - Microbiology & Immunology
- MINE - Mineral Resource Engineering
- MNSC - Medical Neuroscience
- MPAS - Physician Assistant Studies
- MRIT - Magnetic Resonance Imag Tech
- MUSC - Music
- NESC - Neuroscience
- NUMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
- NURS - Nursing
- OCCU - Occupational Therapy/Science
- OCEA - Oceanography
- ORAL - Oral Surgery
- PATH - Pathology
- PEAS - Process Engineering & App Scie
- PERF - Performance Studies
- PERI - Periodontics
- PETR - Petroleum Engineering
- PGPH - Post-Graduate Pharmacy
- PHAC - Pharmacology
- PHAR - Pharmacy
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHYC - Physics & Atmospheric Science
- PHYL - Physiology
- PHYT - Physiotherapy
- PLAN - Planning
- POLI - Political Science
- PSYO - Psychology
- PSYR - Psychiatry
- PUAD - Public Administration
- RADT - Radiological Technology
- REGN - Registration Course-Graduate
- RELS - Religious Studies
- RSPT - Respiratory Therapy
- RUSN - Russian Studies
- SCIE - Science
- SLWK - Social Work
- SOSA - Sociol & Social Anthropology
- SPAN - Spanish & Latin American Stud
- STAT - Statistics
- SUST - Sustainability
- TEMP - Temp Class For Corrections
- THEA - Theatre
- TYPR - Transition Year Program
- VISC - Vision Science
- WPUB - Writing And Publishing