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An essential resource for written, oral, and recertifying board study, as well as an excellent reference for everyday clinical practice, Current Surgical Therapy, 14th Edition, provides trusted, authoritative advice on today's best treatment and management options for general surgery. Residents and practitioners alike appreciate the concise, highly formatted approach to each topic, as well as the practical, hands-on advice on selecting and implementing current surgical approaches from today's preeminent general surgeons. This highly regarded text remains the only surgical reference of its kind, offering a complete array of topics and delivering just the key facts.

Key Features:

  • Covers virtually every problem that a general surgeon may encounter, synthesizing vast amounts of information into concise, digestible chapters.

  • Provides thoroughly updated information throughout, including focused revisions to the most in-demand topics.

  • Presents each topic using the same easy-to-follow format: disease presentation, pathophysiology, diagnostics, and surgical therapy.

  • Includes eight all-new surgical videos covering enteral stents in the treatment of colonic obstruction; multiple management approaches to spigelian, obturator, and lumbar hernias; spontaneous and secondary pneumothorax, and acute mesenteric ischemia.

  • Features more than 2,000 illustrations-line drawings, graphs, algorithms, clinical/operative photographs, micrographs, and radiological images-including hundreds new to this edition.

  • Integrates minimally invasive surgical techniques, basic science, and critical care aspects of surgical practice throughout.

  • Discusses which approach to take, how to avoid or minimize complications, and what outcomes to expect.

  • Provides a quick, efficient review prior to surgery and when preparing for surgical boards and ABSITEs.

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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Netter's Surgical Anatomy and Approaches, 2nd Edition, provides a clear overview of the exposures, incision sites, surgically relevant landmarks, structures, fascial planes, and common anatomical variants relevant to general surgical operative procedures. Whether used in class, in the lab while learning anatomy, or in the operating room as a trusted reference, this highly visual resource presents unmatched surgical anatomy illustrations by world-renowned surgeon-artist, Frank H. Netter, MD, and new illustrations created in the Netter tradition, as well as surgical exposures, intraoperative photographs, and radiologic imaging.

Key Features:

  • Discusses procedures and anatomy from a surgeon's point of view.
  • Features new content throughout, including more intraoperative imaging (both open and minimally invasive), more surgical views, and new coverage of POEM/POP/upper GI endoscopy and ERCP; esophagogastrectomy; laparoscopic Whipple; rectal prolapse; TEMS/TATME; sigmoid colectomy; oncoplastic mammoplasty; and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.
  • Presents uniquely detailed artwork of Dr. Netter, Dr. Carlos Machado, and other anatomy illustrators working in the Netter tradition combined with endoscopic, laparoscopic, and radiologic images-all integrated with expert descriptions of each operative procedure.
  • Offers access to more than 30 videos that highlight anatomy relevant to the procedures.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


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Now thoroughly up to date with new topics, new questions, and new contributors, Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards, 3rd Edition, fully prepares you for success on surgery exams. Ideal for surgery residents studying for their yearly in-service ABSITE exam or recent graduates preparing for the ABS qualifying exam, this comprehensive review tool contains nearly 1,000 high-quality questions that follow the new ABSITE and board style. Content has been tested for a number of years on Harbor-UCLA and UC Irvine surgical residents and has proven to significantly improve exam scores.

Key Features:

  • Covers a full range of topics aligned with the SCORE (Surgical Council on Residency Education) Curriculum Outline for General Surgery Residents.

  • Accurately reflects the content of standardized tests, with correct answers and detailed explanations (including why the incorrect answers are incorrect) based on information found in major reference works in the field of surgery.

  • Provides a new overview of key concepts with at-a-glance facts at the beginning of each chapter.

  • Covers newer topics such as gynecology, urology, anesthesia, oncology, and tumor biology, reflecting the format of the current exam.

  • Offers online testing that allows you to test yourself and quickly score your responses.

  • Includes new high-yield illustrations by a surgical resident and medical illustrator.

  • Features new assistant editors and chapter authors, including surgical educators and residents with a strong track record of outstanding ABSITE performance.

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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The first multimedia medicaltext of its kind?presenting the most comprehensive and up-to-date full-colormaterial about robotics in General Surgery.The Foundation and Art ofRobotic Surgery facilitates thelearning of surgery while applying robotic technology in multiple anatomicallocations, using a comprehensive, concise and practical description of eachstandardized surgical procedure. The book provides clear descriptions of theinstrument requirements, indications and relative contraindications to therobotic approach, preoperative phases including trocar placement, patientpositioning, OR set-up, and a detailed description of the operative steps.Each operation is dividedinto steps with specific timeframes, for learning and teaching purposes.Readers will learn how to use robots to make smaller incisions, decrease bloodloss and postoperative pain, as well as foster quicker healing time and reducehospital stays. Written by the senior editors with the contribution ofinternationally renowned robotic surgeons and academics, this is an invaluableresource for both beginner and experienced surgeons performing roboticprocedures for the first time.The Foundation and Art ofRobotic Surgery features:

  • 900+ photos and 900+ drawings of the standard anatomy, anatomical variations and surgical maneuvers
  • Access to 200+ videos (video clips of the main steps and full procedures videos) with a subscription to AccessSurgery
  • Fifty-one chapters covering General Principles of Robotic Surgery, Thyroid Surgery, Chest Surgery, Gastric and Bariatric Surgery, Intestinal Surgery, Spleen and Pancreas Surgery, Liver Surgery, Transplant Surgery, and more
  • Clear, concise presentation of the instruments, tools, material, indications and relative contraindications to the robotic approach, preoperative phases and each operative steps
  • Boxed text highlighting tips and tricks, anatomical notions, common pitfalls, editorial comments and average time frames
  • Techniques for robotic transplant surgery, renal aneurysm repair and single port robotic surgery principles